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3 Victoria athletes going to Austria for world dodgeball championships

The World Dodgeball Championships take place from Aug. 11-18
Three Victoria athletes are going to the World Dodgeball Championships in Austria. (Pixabay)

Three Victoria athletes have been selected to to represent Canada at the World Dodgeball Championships in Austria from Aug. 11 to 18 where Canada will be defending their gold medal win from last year.

This weekend, from June 29 to July, the athletes, along with the Victoria-based teams called Hyper, will also be competing in the Canadian National Championships that will be hosted in Richmond.

"The announcement of their selection to Team Canada is a significant milestone, especially considering the limited pool of competitive dodgeball athletes in Victoria [which is] less than 30 in total. In stark contrast, regions like Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area with thousands," noted a news release from the athletes. "Despite these odds, Victoria has made a remarkable achievement by having two teams qualify for Nationals and three athletes make Team Canada."

Producers from the Entertaining World of Wine have been producing wine tasting events, with all profits going to support the athletes, and two crowd-funding sites have been set up to help cover the costs of training camps and international travel.

“Having three athletes from Victoria make Team Canada is a remarkable achievement that showcases the exceptional talent and unwavering commitment,” said Dennis Quesnel, head coach of Team Canada’s Mixed Foam program. “We are extremely proud of Zion, Riel and Molly, and excited to see them represent Canada on the world stage in Austria.”

The three are also being featured in a documentary, called On The Line, which is currently in production following their journey to the championships in Austria.

About the Author: Greater Victoria News Staff

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