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Japan needs sisterly help on its path to recovery

Japan is just starting to recover from the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Japanese citizens devastated by the natural disasters and their aftermath need our help.
Japan effort sparks plenty of generosity

Japan effort sparks plenty of generosity

Bottle drive raises 10 times as much as anticipated
Qualicum Beach boy a CHAMP at camp

Qualicum Beach boy a CHAMP at camp

Julian Telfer is a role model

Pastor's Point: When our world shakes

Our world is being shaken at it foundations. Recently, we watched the news accounts of the devastation in Japan following the 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the fifth-largest to hit the world since 1900.
Oceanside artist revives clothes

Oceanside artist revives clothes

Art of Making Things: Shirra Wall takes unwanted, used clothing and breathes new life into it. She cuts, sews and screen prints, creating new, locally-crafted fashion with fresh and modern appeal.
Parksville RC club host annual model air show

Parksville RC club host annual model air show

PDQ Flyers along with the Nanaimo Modelairs return to Nanaimo North Town Center (Rutherford Mall) for their annual model air show on Saturday, March 26.

Orchard in the works for QB Garden Society

Community orchard slated to bed down beside community garden
Knox lecture series set to begin

Knox lecture series set to begin

Great minds and great thoughts on tap at event
Divas and deadlines

Divas and deadlines

Book details a rich and rewarding artistic career

Furlong recalls Games challenges

The organizer of the 2010 Olympics says putting on such a mammoth event posed unique problems.